Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What is Style Part 2?

After reading a couple of my earlier blog entries, I realized that I had a good opinion of what style is prior to entering this class. The only problem I noticed, was that I didn't have any other clue about what Style is, other then a Style is different for each writer, their own in a sense. I felt like writing style was kind of like fashion style in a twisted kind of way. I used to believe that the way we choose what we want to wear is the same way we choose how we want to write. Clothes are a way to express ourselves, individually, and writing is as well.

Writing style is developed from many ways, other then just the way a writer feels like writing. A writing style comes from the topic of what the subject you are writing about is in. Is this a paper about movies, or is this a research paper on the history of presidency? This matters when it comes to the type of style the writer will be using. Another aspect, is who is the audience that the writer is directing the information towards. Does the audience know much about the topic being discussed, or is the audience completely in the dark, and have no idea about what the topic is. This will effect the way the writer chooses to layout the information in order for the reader to comprehend.

Strunk and White and Williams books, The Elements of Style, and What is Style, were packed with different rules and procedures of ways to improve your writing style. These books give information ranging from where the comma should be placed in a sentence, to comprehension, conversion, concision, and ways to make your paper 'flow'. These rules are all different options that allow the reader improve on their writing style. These aspects make a writers style much more concrete, and allow the reader to hear the voice of the author and see the style of the writer as well.

There are many ways that a writer can improve their writing style, which is not only based on one aspect. A writer never stops working to improve their work and is always looking for the best way to connect to their audience. This class has taught me to continue working on my writing style every time I write, and have come out of this class with a lot more resources and knowledge of how to improve my writing style.

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