Thursday, December 4, 2008

Peer Review Recap Part 4

Finally, the last Peer Review Process! Not that I didn't like it, but I just couldn't wait for the semester to be done with. For this last peer review, we used Google Docs again, just because everyone agreed that this was a much easier program to use, and I agree as well.

The final essay is a reflection of the movie making process that we did as a group. On the day of peer review, we were divided into groups with people that weren't in our collaborative video project group, which I thought was beneficial. As I was reading through a couple of my other blogs about peer review, I noticed that I was upset because there were never enough people in my peer review group, and so I wasn't getting enough feedback. This time, I was finally in a group of 4, which I was very thankful for, just because I wanted as much feedback as I possibly could get.

I did receive the most feedback that I ever did all semester for this essay. The only problem was that one person in the group didn't contribute, and so I only received feedback from two other people. I had my rough draft essay posted well before Thanksgiving break, and was hoping to get some work done, before we went back to school. That didn't work out the way I planned. The people in my group didn't submit or revise any papers, until after the break, which was a bit of a set back. The only advice I have for this specific peer review, is that Thanksgiving break is a bad time to get a lot of work done.

I liked the overall process of peer review, but for future purposes, I think there should be a way for you to analyze more closely what students are revising, and so this will motivate the students to contribute to their peers in the groups.

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